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New Renewable Energy Law approved

Updated: Jun 15, 2023


On 23/03/2023 the Albania Parliament approved a new law on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable resources.

The new renewable energy law (no. 24/2023) was published in the Albanian Official Gazette no. 64 dated 14/04/2023, becoming effective 15 days after this publication.

A summary of the draft proposal was published here. Note that as the draft law was still in the early stages of stakeholder discussions, there might be discrepancies between our summary of the draft and the final approved text.

The new law substitutes and repeals the existing Law no. 7/2017 having the same scope. The secondary legislation approved under the previous act (Law no. 7/2017) will however remain into effect until new secondary legislation is approved on the basis of the new act (Law no. 24/2023).

Therefore, there will be a transition period for the full implementation of the provision Law no. 24/2023, which is expected to be of at least 12 months.

The full text of the approved Law no. 24/2023 (in Albanian language only) may be found here.

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